Flag World

World Trade (2022): $23.7T

Top Exporter (2022): China, $3.73T

Top Importer (2022): United States, $3.12T

Most Complex Economy (2022): Japan, 2.19

Overview In this page you will find historical data for the world trade. Also, latest trade data is available for selected countries.

Countries In 2022, world biggest exporters were China ($3.73T), United States ($1.95T), Germany ($1.6T), Japan ($728B), and South Korea ($705B) and world biggest importers were United States ($3.12T), China ($2.16T), Germany ($1.49T), Japan ($819B), and France ($799B).

Products In 2022, world's most traded products were Crude Petroleum ($1.45T), Refined Petroleum ($1.08T), Integrated Circuits ($961B), Petroleum Gas ($827B), and Cars ($782B).

Economic Complexity In 2022, the world most complex economies were Japan (2.19), Switzerland (2.01), South Korea (1.89), Germany (1.84), and Singapore (1.71). In contrast, the world least complex economies were Republic of the Congo (-1.59), Nigeria (-1.61), Democratic Republic of the Congo (-2.03), Mali (-2.07), and Guinea (-2.57).


The following section shows the trade patterns over time for the world.

Disclaimer: data is presented based on availability and only countries that use the harmonized system are being shown.

* Trade values are converted to USD using each month's exchange rate. For December 2023 data, the exchange rate from December 30, 2023 is used.

Historical Data

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World Trade (2022): $23.7T

Top Export (2022): Crude Petroleum, $1.45T

The following visualization shows the total trade for the World, aswell as its product product disaggregation.

Adding a country in the selector will include a new line, and clicking a line will show the product disaggregation in that month.

For more information, visit the Country or Product profile.

Trade Patterns

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In 2022, the world top exporters were China ($3.73T), United States ($1.95T), Germany ($1.6T), Japan ($728B), and South Korea ($705B).

Meanwhile, the most traded products were Crude Petroleum ($1.45T), Refined Petroleum ($1.08T), Integrated Circuits ($961B), Petroleum Gas ($827B), and Cars ($782B).

Largest Export by Country

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The following visualization shows the principal export per country, the product which has grown the most over the past 5 years or the product in which the country has a higher level of specialization, measured by the RCA Index.

Comparative Advantage

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This chart compares trade between both selected countries, considering products traded by both.

To check more in depth countries comparisons, check the Country to Country profile.

Subnational Data Availability

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The following visualization shows the latest trade data for world economies, depending on data availability.

For more information, visit the Data Availability page.

To download full datasets, visit the Bulk Downloads page.

** Using January 2020 exchange rates when trade data is reported in local currency

Visit Data Availability

Visit Bulk Downloads

Economic Complexity

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Economic Complexity by Country

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The following visualization shows the Economic Complexity Index and Economic Complexity Ranking of Each Country

The Economic Complexity Index, or ECI, is a measure of an economy’s capacity which can be inferred from data connecting locations to the activities that are present in them. For more info about Economic Complexity, visit the Economic Complexity page.

Estimated using exports data.

Discover Economic Complexity

The product space is a network connecting products that are likely to be co-exported. The product space can be used to predict future exports, since countries are more likely to start exporting products that are related to current exports. Relatedness measures the distance between a product, and all of the products it is currently specialized in.

Main Product by Country

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The following network visualization shows the top exporter, top importer and most specialized country by product at HS4 level.

RCA is used to measure the specialization of a country in a product.